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Your Bowen Therapist


​Elle is a member of  the Bowen Association Australia and the Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia.


Her additional qualifications include a Bachelor of Physical & Health Education with a focus on preventative health practices.


Elle strives to model and promote living a healthy and meaningful life. Her personal interests include Yoga and QiGong practices, walking/hiking, reading and curiosity to continue learning and studying in areas of interest.


She enjoys working with people of all ages.


An Invitation to support a worthy cause


Elle supports the work of the Tom Bowen Legacy Trust Foundation (TBLTF), enabling one child with a disability to receive needed specialised equipment every year.


Why not try a $20 session of CranioSacral (CS), Therapeutic Touch (TT) or McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR) and Elle will donate $10 of the fee to the TBLTF?


Your donations will be forwarded to the TBLTF annually in December.

Thank you for your support.




Elle was introduced to Bowen Therapy as a client while living and working in Bendigo between 2002-2006. She found Bowen treatments relaxing and effective in relieving muscle tightness and other conditions such as headaches, lower back pain and feelings of stress. Elle developed a respect for this gentle soft-tissue technique, eventually leading to her interest in studying this modality in 2015.


As a Bowen practitioner, Elle observes that her clients also benefit from Bowenwork. This can include: a profound sense of relaxation, and often alleviation from numerous symptoms such as knee or back pain, bruxism (teeth grinding), various joint issues, stomach complaints and more. Clients are often surprised by how different they feel for the next few days following a Bowen treatment.​ 


Elle has completed the Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy and additional training - Specialized Procedures 2. She values ongoing professional development to enhance her skills and knowledge and offers her clients the latest research-based techniques to support healing, improve health and bring about relief from pain.


Elle uses Bowen Therapy treatments to: ​​
*Support the client's bodily systems to work in a dynamic and synergistic way, supporting homeostasis and healing
*Counteract unhealthy levels of stress that can disable the body's ability to maintain balance in daily living
*Enjoy good health and feeling well at all ages and stages of life 

Bowen Therapy is a gentle, effective and calming technique that assists the body to optimise healing and wellbeing.



 *Specialised Bowen Procedures 2

 *Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy

 *Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy

 *Certificate IV in Mental Health

 *CranioSacral Therapy 2 (Upledger)


 *Master of Education 

 *Bachelor of Education 

 *Bachelor of Physical & Health Education 


Ongoing studies include:


CranioSacral Therapy (Upledger), Therapeutic Touch (TTAA) , McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR), and Diploma of Counselling (AIPC).


Past interests include: Kinesiology taping (RockTape) Tapping (EFT), Brain Gym, Touch for Health, Energy Psychology (EDxTM) Tension Release Exercises (TRE) and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).

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