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CS, TT & MSTR Therapies

Ten dollars from each treatment will be donated to the Tom Bowen Legacy Trust Fund.

30 min
20 Australian dollars
36 Morgan Avenue

Service Description

CS Therapy bookings are available on weekdays. CranioSacral Therapy (CS) is a gentle evidence-based, hands-on technique used to release fascial tension and influence the body's connective tissue network. Restrictions and compensations can be released, enabling the nervous system to settle and shift in the direction of rest and repair. Since the 1970's Dr. John Upledger explored and developed the techniques now used in biomechanical craniosacral therapy. As an ongoing, research-based form of manual therapy, CranioSacral Therapy continues to offer an effective avenue for healing, rebalancing and relief for a range of conditions. [] Therapeutic Touch bookings are available on Saturdays only. Therapeutic Touch (TT) is an evidence-based, non-invasive treatment available for both mainstream and complementary care. TT can help people to reduce feelings of stress and studies show that people often experience reductions in pain and anxiety, and enjoy improved sleep. TT was developed in 1972 by Professor D. Krieger and D. Kunz. During a TT session, the client may be seated or lying down on their back fully clothed. TT may include a gentle placing of hands on the body as well as working with the person's energetic field to assist the body to rebalance and bring about a greater sense of harmony and order within the system. [] MSTR bookings are available on Saturdays only. McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release is a treatment using a gentle fingertip technique to breakdown and release tissue restrictions on and around scars in order to mobilise and break down tight and restrictive collagen fibres, and improve lymph and blood flow around the scar. Scarwork may begin 8+ weeks post event. Please contact Elle regarding contraindications for MSTR. [] Donations to the Tom Bowen Legacy Trust Fund (TBLTF) support the purchase of special equipment for one child with a disability each year. []

Contact Details

  • Essential Bowen Therapy, Morgan Avenue, Croydon VIC, Australia

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